
Pases de autobús de 31 días de CTtransit y CTfastrak disponibles para su compra en teléfonos inteligentes

Jue Sep 07, 2023
El Departamento de Transporte de Connecticut (CTDOT) anunció hoy que los clientes de CTtransit y CTfastrak pueden comprar su pase de 31 días en sus teléfonos inteligentes a partir del viernes 1 de septiembre de 2023 a través de Token Transit.

CTtransit Pilots Revolutionary Accessibility Program with Quantum

CTtransit will pilot Quantum on select buses.

Transportation offers independence, allowing people to work, learn, receive healthcare, and enjoy recreation. With reliable transit options, everyone gains more freedom and opportunity. That is, in part, the basis for the Quantum pilot program that CTtransit has initiated by partnering with Q'Straint.

Quantum is an innovative wheelchair securement system that allows users to secure themselves independently on the bus. Wheelchair users simply back their mobility device into the system, press a button, and their wheelchair locks safely in place. Quantum’s Smart Sense technology allows it to detect and adjust to various wheelchairs without additional assistance from professional operators with each securement taking about 30 seconds.

“This device gives customers freedom, safety, and independence,” says Christopher DeGrave, CTtransit’s Assistant General Manager of Safety, Security & Technical Training

Quantum is the only system in the world that gives complete independence to mobility passengers.

While Quantum is used by paratransit organizations worldwide, CTtransit is among the first to pilot the program on a larger scale. Quantum devices will be deployed across Hartford, New Haven, and Stamford for this trial. DeGrave says the safety team’s goals is to partner with local disability organizations to host field events for testing and feedback.

“CTtransit is committed to improving accessibility in public transportation,” said Thomas E. Stringer, Jr, General Manager. “Piloting innovative initiatives like Quantum is one of the ways we are working to create a more inclusive and equitable transit experience for all.”

If the pilot is successful, CTtransit hopes to install Quantum devices on all future buses.

"I've been with the company for 16 years; I understand the mechanical aspect of (Quantum)… but didn't realize how we were changing someone's life," said Marlon Gutierrez, OEM Sales Engineer for Q'Straint. "What we do is very important. It's a sense of service. We are helping."

Cómo viajar

Cada ruta tiene un horario con las horas de salida/ llegada del autobús en esa ruta.
Todos los autobuses de CTtransit tienen elevadores para sillas de ruedas o rampas de acceso para personas con discapacidades.
Los autobuses pueden transportar un máximo de dos bicicletas y este servicio se encuentra disponible según el orden de llegada.
Llame a nuestro Centro de atención al cliente si cree que olvidó algo en un autobús.
Usted conoce su mundo. Y sabe cuando algo no está bien.
Estas son algunas opciones simples que pueden servirle para llegar a destino a tiempo.
CTtransit es el servicio de autobuses del Departamento de Transporte de Connecticut (CTDOT). La página Servicios proporciona descripciones sobre los tipos de servicio de CTtransit, como los servicios Locales, Flyer, Transporte rápido en autobús, Expreso, Conexión y Transbordador.